Social Aspects
Social Aspects
BCPG Group values efficient management with social responsibility by forging trust and confidence among all stakeholders, including the promotion of the Group’s sustainable growth with the respect for human rights of all employees, business partners, suppliers and contractors.

Health and Safety
BCPG Group takes seriously occupational health and safety management of the operation function, monitoring of renewable-energy production process, and is committed to operating the business with efficient management systems.
BCPG Group has set an occupational health and safety management system of the ISO 45001:2018 standard for its internal management, which consists of the operation, audit, and review to ensure efficient business operations and ongoing development.
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Human Rights
BCPG Group conducts its business in adherence to the code of human rights throughout the business value chain and encourages the treatment of everyone
With respect, fairness, honor, human dignity, equality, with respect for the rights, freedom, and equality of individuals without any discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, birthplace, religion, gender, skin color, language, belief, education, ethnicity, disability, political opinions, economic status, group participation, or any other social status that is unrelated to the performance of work or other matters, with the following actions

Employee Caring and Development
The Group has engaged third-party providers with vast experience and expertise in specific fields to conduct training for employees to encourage them to develop their knowledge through internal and external training.
It arranged monthly knowledge management sessions, a knowledge test to encourage knowledge and experience-sharing, lessons learned and tips and tricks among employees. The Group has set individual development plans (IDPs) and knowledge-sharing as one of the corporate KPIs.
Employee Caring and Development
Community Engagement
BCPG Group recognizes the importance of stakeholders in all aspects of the value chain as a key driving force in building a sustainable business through implementation of activities, good relationship with stakeholders and stakeholder engagement. It conducted assessment survey on stakeholders’ opinions on the Group’s internal and external sustainability to ensure that BCPG Group has considered all their concerns and issues of interest.
Social Performance
Social Performance
Average Employee Training Hours
Employment of People in The Community Around The Project Area
Community Complaints
Human Rights Violation